Want to know what I’m up to currently or what is currently capturing my interest? Take a look at the gallery below. I’m a lifelong learner, always looking for the next idea to hit me by force. And I’m proud to collaborate with some of the most creative humans ever.
Horses of Fire and Daughters of Bronze by AD Rhine.
Trust me when I say you want these books on your radar. They are gorgeous and brilliant and will have you turning the page. History from the forgotten women of Troy. Bonus points: I drew the maps insde.
Check out AD Rhine’s website.
The Scottish Play and Stage Combat
It was a dream to play Lady Macduff and a Scottish Lord (Angus) in an outdoor production of Macbeth. But one of the coolest bits was learning stage combat for the first time. I loved how collaborate and consent forward the process was.

Welsh folklore and the poetry of Dafydd ap Gwylim
I keep stumbling into more research holes, which is kind of the best. Hobgoblins, maidens in lakes, animals as messengers, and choirs of trees. So many rich images.
Shakespeare, Shakespeare, Shakespeare
Between a historical middle grade manuscript, a young adult retelling, and an exciting theatre project for the summer, I am fully immersed in the words and worlds of the Bard.
Elizabeth Moon
Elizabeth took so many of the photos for my site. She is a joy to work with and her art is amazing! Her website is here, and her instagram is here. Follow, follow!
Fractals and Repeated Patterns in Nature.
This topic inspired writing, drawing, and observing. Look closer. Look closer still.
Writing Playlists
Historical Middle Grade Playlist on Spotify
Young Adult Shakespeare Retelling Playlist on Spotify
This is an essential part of my writing process!