I’m a storyteller…
a young adult author, a freelance writer, a screenwriter, an actor, an illustrator, a designer, a musician, and a charming dinner guest.
I thrive on collaboration, so reach out!
I’ve been telling stories as long as I can remember. In the early years, I made up elaborate pretend worlds so my friends and I could play. I fell into music as a way to express myself. Through my teen years, music was everything. I especially loved film scores and how they amplified everything in the story. Maybe I was greedy, but in college, I realized I wanted to write those stories, too, so I switched my major from music to screenwriting and playwriting. Eager for more ways to express myself, I devoted myself to my school’s theater program and also minored in fine art. I wanted to do it all. The truth is I still do. But where once I viewed my flitting around between art forms as a sign that I was fickle, now I see it as one of my greatest strengths as a storyteller. For the past ten years, writing novels and stories has been my main focus. But as I start to incorporate these former loves of mine, I’m realizing that getting to the heart of a story sometimes requires a different set of tools. I love communicating. Sharing experiences. Telling stories. And when I get to combine these loves of mine: visual art, music, story, and language, I feel the most at home.